

shop tonight was ridiculous.
let me say that again RIDICULOUS!
I come in tonight to get some touch up work on my arm and as i roll in tired as can be from my exhausting day (working, playing volleyball, coaching volleyball) it can get exhausting. So as i walk in Kris greets me as usual and i notice two new faces. both are friends of my artist(kris). they see i'm coming in for some work and they both simultaneously start complaining to kris saying WTF dude, lets GO, the bars are awaiting! i laughed and think to myself, def not tonight boys, i've been in here the past 3 days its finally my turn. he takes a look at my arm and says 'two more weeks..' i was disappointed but was determined to get something done!  I've wanted a treble clef on my foot for a while now to cover some mistakes i've made in the past. So i told him and he said 'well i can do that tonight. lets have a cig and we'll get going.' let me tell you i've never seen another human being suck nicotine and tar down there lungs so fast.  as we walk outside we notice friend #2 has a white stain on the back of his black jacket. I noticed this first and realized i can't pass up this opportunity. so we start joking about how he told him not to get it all over his jacket when he pulled out but he simply missed. after 2 minutes of being outside we all head back in to get ready for my foot. Friend #2 mentions he wanted shrooms so friend #1 calls up some people. in the meantime me, kris and friend #2 just go on about bad drug experiences and how badly #2 wanted to eat $50 dollars worth tonight. friend #1 relayed the information that its not a possibility tonight and he decides hes gonna bounce. he obviously was a piece of shit for wanting to leave, i mean i was there for a total of 5 minutes at this time and he was that bored. friend 2 is a pal however and decides to stick it out. we get the treble clef on my foot and decide its time to start. the initial line was brutal and it got worse. i soon realized the foot is NOT a good idea. we all sat there laughing and talking (trying to ignore the throbbing in my foot as 3 needles dug deep into my skin injecting black ink into my skin) our choice conversation was drugs tonight, which i find funny because here they are talking about bad acid trips and shrooms. From E to weed and beer to mirrors. i kept laughing and going along with it. its funny because people(even i) change if they are around different scenarios. i sat there laughing agreeing with them as if i've had bad acid rips or a bad batch of shrooms. however it was HILARIOUS topic. there stories of mirrors and colored lights getting the best of them. by this time my treble clef was COMPLETE! i was excited and it looked amazing. Kris then suggest he put a few music notes toward my ankle and as i thought there i thought of how bad that would hurt, and he looks at me and says 'pain?' and i nodded and said 'fuck it' and him and #2 say 'FUCK IT! lets do it' i trust kris a lot when it comes to art on my body which i find you need in a tattoo artist because thats on you for life man. i'm looking down at my foot and just am smiling. it looks amazing and just keep laughing about tonight. moral of this story, don't do drugs and if you do, make sure you have an amazing story to tell.

1 comment:

  1. You're a crazy foo... stop getting so much ink.
